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Our Chairman’s Message

TKR Educational Society was established in 2001, it is reputedly academic oriented. Sri. Teegala Krishna Reddy, the former mayor of Hyderabad and leader of masses is the Chairman of the society. A native of Meerpet Village with challenging experiences in the process of emerged into a reputed educationalist with a laudable ambition of spreading education to meet the educational needs of the aspirant youth. Under his dynamic and creative chairmanship, the TKR Educational institutions for the prospective future of aspiring youth for the purpose of serving A.P State in particular and our country in general.
These premier educational institutions are TKR College of Engineering and Technology established in 2002, Teegala Krishna Reddy College of Engineering established in 2005, TKR Institute of Management and Science established in 2003, and TKR College of Pharmacy established in 2007, in a speawling area of 30 acres. TKRCET and TKREC are affiliated to JNTU and approved by AICTE. TKRCOP is affiliated to JNTU and approved by AICTE. TKRCOP is affiliated to JNTU and approved by PCI. TKRIMS is affiliated to OU and approved by AICTE.
These institutions impart the latest knowledge in Technology, Management and Pharmacy to create global leaders. With boundless and boundary-less creativity and a highly committed, the TKR Educational Society has been consistently shaping intellects capable of integrating the contemporary knowledge with classic values through its institutions, since the philosophy of TKRES is to achieve excellence both in academic and non-academic areas with an incessant pursuit of accomplishing milestones.
TKR College of Engineering and Technology – a modern temple of learning, an off shoot of the TKR Educational Society was established in the year 2002 in a sprawling, lush green 20 acre campus at Meerpet, Hyderabad. The college provides a serene and tranquil environment to the students, boosting their mental potential and preparing them in all aspects to face the cut- throat global competition with a smile on the face and emerge victorious.
Dr. T. Harinath Reddy, a Physician, is the Honorable Secretary of the TKR Educational Society and Mr. T. Amarnath Reddy, a Management graduate is the Honorable Treasurer of the Society, who are endowed with administrative and managerial skills.
Our Secretary’s Message

Engineers play the most vital and important role in nation building. They create new inventions using best engineered technologies to make human life more comfortable, secure and productive. In modern times, nations which have rich engineering and experienced management domains are flourishing economically and are providing better lives to their people We have excellent potential to grow in diversified areas and excel in Engineering and Management fields. We need enormous number of engineers and managers to write next story of success.
The essence of Engineering and Management education which has spread in India is a very positive sign not only to cater domestic needs but provide manpower to the entire world and become biggest technically trained community. TEEGALA KRISHNA REDDY EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY is a venture contributing to this Endeavour. We have started with full force to play a leading role in providing quality education and careers. We have identified the needs of modern engineering, technology and management education for modern age students, with a vision and mission accompanying transparency, accountability and accessibility which keeps us abreast and also ahead of our competitors.
At the outset I send my greetings to the Editorial Board of TKRES Souvenir 2011, for working on a Magazine best in all aspects. We want to provide a complete package of educational services to TKRES students. I believe this magazine will provide us the benchmark for continued improvement in overall development of the College. This magazine should be a good source of guidance for faculty and coming batches of students in choosing activities of their choice in their future for building their careers. I appreciate the efforts of the Editorial team who have done an excellent job in compiling TKRES activities over the year and disseminate them through this Magazine as well as on the TKRES website.
Our Treasurer’s Message

The motive of TKRES is to develop a global perspective to cope -up with the fast changing technology scenario. In addition to this, values with discipline are the hallmark of our college, besides, ensuring quality of the students; here the emphasis is not only on academic excellence but the development of the overall total personality of a student. To achieve this goal, add on courses, training in personality development, and other soft skills are also provided in our College. We take special care to ensure that new ideas are not merely discussed here but executed. Execution of new ideas helps the faculty and students to tread the path of ‘Innovation’ which is the slogan of our Institution. As excellence is the only criterion for selection of students, we are confident that in due course, promises will become ‘Achievements’ in their respective fields.
I am delighted that TKRES has published the College Souvenir-2011. The Editorial Board has done a fair job to put up facts before students and parent community. To express one’s thought, College Magazine is the best platform and this is what our students have expressed in terms of contributions towards the magazine. I congratulate Editorial Board for unleashing the hidden potential of the students and making this Magazine a chapter of TKRES history.
Dr. K. Venkata Murali Mohan – Principal

Dr.K Venkata Murali Mohan, an accomplished Electronics & Telecommunications Engineer from Nagpur University, Nagpur. He has completed his M.Tech from JNTU, Kakinada, Ph.D from Acharya Nagarjuna University in Computer Science Engineering(2016) and Ph.D form Rayalaseema University, Kurnool in Electronics and Communications Engineering(2019) . He is a hard core academician who believes in powerful learning which transforms the students into practically skilled serviceable engineers. Dr.K Venkata Murali Mohan has more than 20 years of experience in teaching & administration and in field. As a resolute educationalist, he has endeavored to publish text books and research papers which outlines his educational tendencies. He is a paragon of energy, enthusiasm, productiveness and competence whose intellectual ability and propriety go all the way in nurturing the students and faculty members to create a collaborative partnership. He is an optimist who believes in close connectivity among students, parents, teachers and support staff, striving to create a milieu that sustains excellence. His distinction lies in his commitment for the cause of the students, to help them to focus on confidence building, while nurturing an intense sense of social and environmental responsibility through academic and co-curricular activities. He continues to strive towards the attainment of his organizational goals in the interest of the TKRES.
Our Principal’s Message
Teegala Krishna Reddy Engineering College (TKREC) is endowed with a well laid out Campus, an excellent management, well qualified faculty and a good academic ambience, the college endeavours to be a top ranking higher educational institution in the city of Hyderabad. The evolution of the institute over the past two decades has witnessed strong blend of artistic monumental infrastructure and resource of responsibility human committed to provide professional education with thrust on creativity and innovation. The environment in TKREC ,apt for knowledge assimilation, its developments and its transformation with a sense of social responsibility, human values and environment has carved a niche for itself among the top technical institutes. At TKREC, we have a tradition of nurturing leadership qualities along with developing capabilities to meet the challenges of modern technology. we do by inspiring Students to involve themselves in innovatives projects under the guidance of their faculty mentors. We believe that reaching excellence is a continuous process and the institute has penetrated into contributing to the world ,renowned technocrats, successful entrepreneurs, competent leaders, innovative scientists and researchers

Dr. KMV Madan Kumar – Vice Principal&Dean Acadamics
Dr K.M.V Madan Kumar Vice -Principal Teegala Krishna Reddy Engineering College.He did his BE from Gulbarga University,M.Tech from JNTUH.and Ph.D(CSE) from Acharya Nagarjuna University. He has 17 years of Experience in Industry and academics. His area of interest is Data mining and he has Published 22 Research papers in Reputed International Journals.He also Presented 10 papers in international and national Conferences.He is the Reviewer of Some International Journals